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Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar at Thames View


In Key Stage 2 we revise and build on children’s phonic knowledge from Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 as we move onto a comprehensive programme of teaching for spelling in Years 3 to 6. Spelling lessons are short and pacy and take place at least three times per week. 

Teachers use Spelling Shed to support our scheme of work. It details a 36-week program of spelling rules, patterns and word lists and is also supported by an online program where children can practice and play games, enabling them to learn their spellings in a fun way.

Wherever possible, the teaching of vocabulary, grammar and punctuation will be done within the context of ‘real’ writing and reading. Sometimes discrete teaching will be needed to secure children’s understanding of certain grammatical structures and punctuation. The development of children’s grammar in spoken language is just as important as their written grammar, so a lot of attention is paid to this. Children are expected to learn and use the correct grammatical terminology right from the beginning (e.g. noun, expanded noun phrase, preposition). In Years 5 and 6 children will have opportunities for more formal grammar teaching. At the end of Year 6 children sit the national Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test.

At Thames View Primary School, we use the spelling shed scheme to structure our word lists. There may be occasions where children are given additional or different spellings to support where necessary. Please see below for outlines of the schemes from Y2 to Y6. Prior to Y2, the Early Years and Year 1 focus on spelling as part of their phonics program. More information can be found in the 'Phonics' document.

Grammar and Punctuation Overview

Grammar and Punctuation are the tools with which we structure and present our writing. Most of our punctuation is taught through writing lessons, where purpose and meaning make it easier to understand how to use them. Since the introduction of the new National Curriculum in 2014, the requirements for the grammar curriculum mean our children need to know an extensive range of vocabulary, and most of the terminology will be new to many of us! Grammar is taught in far more detail than many of us will remember. With that in mind, we have attached a parent’s guide to the English page of our website, which we hope is of use.