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Welcome to Term 1

Topaz Class

Teachers: Mrs Taylor (M Tu W) and Mrs Bradshaw (Th F)
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Bohan

Opal Class

Teacher: Mrs Patterson
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Inkpen

Term 1 Topic: Food, Glorious Food

Our Big Question for the term is 'Where does food come from?' We will build our understanding of where food comes from in the UK alongside the impact of different food types on our bones, muscles and joints, culminating in D.T., where we use our cooking skills to make healthy food.

Our PE takes place at school on Monday mornings. We will build our basic hand-eye skills linked to popular sports, such as hockey. We will be outside as often as possible, so please make sure that your child comes in to school in the correct kit. Please also ensure that long hair is tied back, and that earrings are removed. 

Every Thursday this term, we will walk to the new Cozenton swimming facilities to develop our water skills. Please come dressed in an appropriate swimming costume, with a spare change of clothing, towel and optional goggles in a bag to carry.

Our English learning for this term: ​

We will focus our learning around a range of different poems centred around food, learning to write our own ‘list’ poems.  After that, the children will learn how to write a set of instructions for a recipe based on the book 'Beware of Boys'.  Finally, the children will write to persuade the reader after learning about adverts.

Reading is the key to success!

Children will be expected to read most nights in the week for at least 10 minutes. Please record how your child has got on with their book in your child's reading record. This might include their understanding of the vocabulary used; how they inferred a character's emotions or actions; or even a prediction made based on what had already been read.


We will begin Year 3 by developing our understanding of Place Value and all its associated skills up to 1,000.  Once we are secure at reading, comparing and describing numbers, we will then move onto Addition and Subtraction.  In learning this, the children will practise a range of methods and contexts so they can improve both written and mental methods. For example, children will link their understanding of place value and number bonds up to 20 to column addition and subtraction.

We will introduce the 3 times tables this term. Children need to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables by the end of Year 3. Please also review your 2, 5 and 10s from Year 2 learning.

We place great importance on learning and practising our timetables.  To aid us, the children are encouraged to use Times Tables Rock Stars and will engage in multiplication challenges games daily. Please click on the link below to access Times Table Rock Stars.

Home Learning

Your child’s weekly home learning will consist of:

• Daily reading (to be recorded in Reading Records)

• Times table practice (Times Table Rock Stars website linked above)

• Spellings/Phonics 

Useful Links

Below, you can find a number of useful links to help support your child's learning:

Useful Links

  • Doorway Online
    Doorway Online is a collection of free and highly accessible educational games.
  • Phonics Play
    You may log in with the following details: username: jan21 password: home
  • Small Town Superheroes
    You’ll need to use your English skills to help the heroes complete all the missions.
Topic Web

Our Termly Topic Web outlines how the topic of the term will play into each subject. It acts to outline what will be studied across the curriculum in the term. Our current Topic Web can be found below and as an attachment: